Pathways Florida
Lightshare’s Pathways program is a residential substance abuse and co-occurring capable treatment offering flexible lengths, evidence-based curriculum, and specialized services, providing a structured daily schedule that includes therapy, 12-step meetings, and therapeutic activities, with immediate bed availability.
- Residential substance abuse, co-occurring capable treatment program located at First Step’s N. Washington campus that incorporates daily group and weekly individual therapy, daily 12-step meetings, therapeutic activities, and weekly psychiatric clinics into a structured daily schedule.
- Length of the program is flexible to meet the needs of the individual
- 10 day program
- 28-30 day program
- Flexible extended stay options
- Serves males and females
- Funded through commercial health insurance or fee-for-service
- Follows an evidence-based addiction-focused curriculum that includes focus on addiction, recovery, relapse and family dynamics
- Exercise area and volleyball court to strengthen the body and have fun during free time, while developing a program of recovery
- Program is tailored to individual client needs and offers specialized services such as trauma counseling, criminal thinking (Moral Recognition Therapy – MRT), anger management, and mental health counseling
- Immediate bed availability