What to do in a mental health crisis
If you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis
Call our 24/7 Behavioral Health Crisis Line! We follow a No Wrong Door approach to mental wellness at Lightshare, which means we
work to ensure that every person in crisis receives right level of care.
Call 911 in the event of any physical harm or imminent safety risk
Crisis & Emergency Services
Provides intensive wrap-around/linkage services which include outpatient substance abuse, mental health treatment, detox, CSU, and MAT or residential.
Crisis intervention and assessment program that is contacted from the community for assessment of those in immediate crisis that needs assistance in de-escalation to divert from Baker Act hospitalizations and provide linkages to services through Lightshare.
24/7/365 Medically Monitored detoxification for those in need of substance abuse intervention services. Individuals accepted can be voluntary or involuntary and must be 18+ to be admitted.
Crisis stabilization services those who meet the criteria for Baker Act. Individuals can be voluntary or involuntary admissions and must be 18+ or older to be admitted. Medicaid’s, Commercial Insurance and Indigent accepted.
Lightshare’s assessment center for those seeking services, crisis support, and guidance.
The Kreisman Center CSU 1451 10th St Sarasota, FL 34236
24/7 support 7 days a week
941 - 732 - 6837